Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Strategies for Stretching Your Homeschool Dollar on The Homeschool Post

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5 Strategies for Stretching Your Homeschool Dollar - keeping the cost of homeschooling under control! Here are some tips to help - on The Homeschool Post @ courtesy of Homeschool Coffee Break @

Homeschooling can put a dent in our pocketbooks, and it's so tempting to spend more on cool things than the budget might allow. Many homeschool families are living on one income, and few of us have the kind of homeschool budget that allows us to buy every shiny new thing that catches our eye. There's not just curriculum to consider, but field trips, extra classes, sports, music lessons, and more that we need or want to spend money on. I've heard that it's possible to homeschool for free using the library and the internet, and I believe that's probably true. For me - and I think for many homeschoolers - we simply want to stretch our limited homeschool dollars as wisely as possible. 

Join me for 5 Strategies to help do just that - on The Homeschool Post.

Do you have tips to share for keeping homeschool costs manageable? Leave a comment and let me know!

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